Mary Youngblood
(Workshop) Program Descriptions
Beginning N/A Flute Embellishments & Techniques
Students will learn basic Native American flute embellishments and techniques- such as how to pick out the right flute for them, breath control, and beginning embellishment exercises which will encourage new students in getting familiar and comfortable with their flutes. If you ever wondered how flute players bend those notes, or make their flute bark- this workshop is for you!
Intermediate N/A Flute Embellishments & Techniques
Students will further discover more advanced embellishments and techniques with their N/A flutes. Such as breath control, playing with accompaniment, letting the notes ‘fall’, bending notes, tonguing, scales and vibrato. Students will have the opportunity to ask Mary questions and see up close and personal, the techniques that Mary uses in performance and recordings.
Advanced N/A Flute Embellishments & Techniques
Mary discusses her techniques in using visualization, to assist the more advanced player in obtaining their musical goals. She teaches that even embellishments have embellishments- Mary will share advanced details of these special embellishments such as breath control, vibrato, bending the notes, and ‘the bark.’ Students will have the unique opportunity to ‘pick Mary’s brain’ about how to further advance their own flute journey.
Performance Readiness
Are you already performing for live audiences, schools, church’s or in your community? Are you feeling ready for the stage, a recording, or gaining the confidence needed to play in front of people? Do you have questions about recording, PA equipment, microphones and/or the performance world in general? Then this workshop is where you want to be.
Come find out how to further your wonderful N/A flute journey… Mary will also focus on confidence building.
Talking Circle (Theme- The N/A Flute)
Attendees will have the unique opportunity to experience a Native American style “Talking Circle.” A feather is passed around and folks will have the chance to share their own N/A FLUTE journeys. (Mary believes that the flute chooses US!) Come share your own personal experiences that brought you to this beautiful instrument. Mary was once the facilitator of The Sacramento Urban Indian Health Project’s, “Indian Women’s Talking Circle” in her home town. Mary promises that this time of sharing will be a wonderful and spiritual experience for everyone…
Music & Healing w/Mary Youngblood
Mary will facilitate a ‘journey into the importance, relevance and application of music and the arts as they pertain to healing.' In such challenging times, we often find ourselves searching for and wishing to maintain what brings ourselves, our families and our communities peace, contentment and healing into our lives. Students will further discover their own potential for using the N/A flute in healing in their own personal, and/or professional lives. Mary will lead attendees through a series of creative and fun exercises that will motivate and encourage flute players who wish to explore their own natural healing abilities.